Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Jerusalem - the Old City painted from an old map, then I I superimposed an aerial view upon it and now it is just a representation and not a factually correct painting. I enjoyed painting it, but I struggled to get the right frame until I decided that a black surrounding would do it justice since it is now a aerial representation in the night. The Mosque is obviously totally out of scale...
What do you say about it?

Saturday, May 4, 2019


When you climb the steps of a ladder (called rungs), you go higher than you were before. Now I was thinking how can I climb the steps and how much of it have I already climbed this year 2019? In art specifically? And here is my thoughts: A. Generally to improve my technical skills in art i.e. use of art materials, methods of painting and drawing, composition- just generally to have an attitude of improvement. B. Obviously to improve means one have to study again and/or experiment and this I am constantly busy with; and especially here the old masters techniques and methods and colors etc. One can learn from those who went before you... C. To develop that something extra / more or narrative something special about my art. This probably is the most difficult. D. To look and experiment with Tempera, Iconography, Oil paining master's methods and techniques as well as alternative Framing methods. E. How to make art to give me a reasonable income. Selling art via galleries, private and the remains challenging. A gallery art representation? Quality sells... Yes you've got it - I am on my way in this!!!

Friday, April 20, 2018


The Craftsman's HandbookThe Craftsman's Handbook by Cennino Cennini
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A great book of the Italian art craftsman - methods and colour pigments, prints etc. a technical book. It was written in the day or era of studying art with a master artist in an atelier. Advice for example given under "Fundamental provisions for anyone who enters this profession" is and I quote again "....begin by decking yourselves with this attire: Enthusiasm, Obedience, and Constancy. And begin to submit yourself to the direction of a master for instruction as early as you can; and do not leave the master until you have to." The book is very technical and some sections only to read as required (i.e. when you do that for example printing) and then under the pigments section - some pigments are not used or available or obsolete. So read and get what you can. There are very advice in this book and a lot of technical material. A rare art book.

View all my reviews

Thursday, April 5, 2018


Yes it is true - all artists need motivation! The best place to find motivation is looking at what other artists did or wrote. I particularly find them motivating - here is a list of some of them:

1. Work on it until it cannot get any better.
2. Get good enough at anything and somebody will pay you to do it.
3. Your art goes as deep as your love goes.
4. Art is made to disturb. Science reassures. There is only one valuable thing in art: the thing you cannot explain.
5. It is a widely accepted notion among painters that it does not matter what one paints as long as it is well painted. This is the essence of academicism. There is no such thing as good painting about nothing.
6. There are two sorts of beauty; one is the result of instinct, the other of study. A combination of the two, with the resulting modifications, brings with it a very complicated richness, which the art critic ought to try to discover.
7. Art arises when the secret vision of the artist and the manifestation of nature agree to find new shapes.
8. I enjoy the creative process of moving from chaos to order but at the same time to have beauty and mystery in mind: that something special in art.
9. It is never about the image, but the story and feeling behind the painting.
10. Most men's brains lie fallow for the greater part of their lives.
11. I am under the direction of messengers from heaven.
12. Art is perseverance - you never arrive. Your destination is the journey so do not quit.
Yes and you are right, I will add to these quotes from time to time. If you find this motivational (and tough!) and want to comment or add a quote - just leave a comment to the blog.

Friday, December 29, 2017

THE YEAR 2016 AND 2017

I found these two years very, very difficult for my art environment - maybe I must explain. I am committed to 7 areas namely Art, Karate, Writing/Books/Reading(this is all one area), Websites, Acquiring Languages, Spirituality and Music. This forms the total of my 7 areas for life. Now they are a bit much but I DO try. So in these two years some things developed - I opened up a Karate Club, I painted a lot and I also acquired a skill namely that of Book restoration and Book Binding. As of this date I have fixed 60 books! I have obtained all the skills. I must say something about this - it is a bit of an artwork too and it is very relaxing. Ok so this is something new and good...and I hope to soon make my own Drawing Journals once off books! In 2018 more Blogposts on the year that was and the year to come...Excited about all that is happening now.

Monday, May 18, 2015


Interesting that Da Vinci should mention that it is better to do figure drawing in groups rather than all by yourself. I find his method of argument very ambitious and at times uncomfortable but nevertheless it needs to stand by itself so that you can evaluate for yourself.
Say there are ten people wanting to do figure drawing. Obviously financially it is better if they can all put together some money and pay for a good model and arrange for a time and place. Ok here is maybe the greatest benefit because if you do it all by yourself it is more costly. This however is not where I am uncomfortable.
The second argument goes something like this - you can learn from others while drawing and comparing yourself constantly with others as they draw. Here already I am starting to feel uneasy because comparing like that will have the affect that all the drawings of all those artists that draw together will slowly over time get closer and closer to one another. That is obviously if that little club continues.
The third argument that Da Vinci himself proposes is if you happen to be the best draughtsman or artist among all those present, you have something to maintain; that being remaining the best artist. That will be your challenge. I feel very uncomfortable with this view because it makes it competitive and almost showmanship like and that defeats the purpose that I just want to learn to draw better or develop a certain style of drawing.
Ok so I take it that in his time there were no photographers and maybe the competition between artists were very real since the patrons of the arts were few and commissions were in order of the day.
So what can I learn from it as an application for my day?
1. Certainly draw with others if you cannot afford your own models.
2. Certainly learn from other artists but choose then those who really regard as being different and more advanced in their art as yourself. However strife deliberately not to copy but to develop your own individualistic style. If you should copy then do it only as an exercise but my personal opinion is avoid it as the plague.
3. Don't think ever that your art is better than all those around you. It may just be that others don't think so and that you might be outdated in style and trend of trend of the time. It is better that you rather challenge yourself in the process of on-going improvement and in refining and developing your style further.
I say that it is better to challenge yourself with regards to the size of the drawing, the mediums used, your own traditional approach in drawing and seeking to be fresh and innovative. Be true to yourself and try to stay within your own recognizable work so that your whole portfolio is like continuous story.
Maybe Da Vinci was a great artist and I do admire his work; I mean we are very insignificant in criticizing his work; but to me some of his art notes (please note art notes) makes one wonder...just my personal opinion. I wrote this so that you can have your own opinion of drawing together in clubs etc. etc. and whatever you take or reject from the great master Da Vinci.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


I read a great maxim in a book that also applies very much to the artist and his work:-
They can only be enjoyed when complete. All beginnings are misshapen, and this deformity sticks in the imagination. The recollection of having seen a thing imperfect disturbs our enjoyment of it when completed. To swallow something great at one gulp may disturb the judgement of the separate parts, but satisfies the taste. Till a thing is everything, it is nothing, and while it is in process of being it is still nothing. To see the tastiest dishes prepared arouses rather disgust than appetite. Let each great master take care not to let his work be seen in its embryonic stages: they might take this lesson from Dame Nature, who never brings the child to the light till it is fit to be seen." - Balthasar Gracian