Wednesday, June 14, 2023


So I have now completed an oil painting course to paint like the old masters...if it is at all possible! The course was focusing in particular on Rembrandt with the Apelles palette. I found it very interesting and challenging. So I also busy now with a classical portrait drawing course.
Restating your ART WORK means to me to seriously reconsider what you are doing and what else you would like to do - not out of compulsion or what the market likes or what people tell you. It is really what you want to do - almost in a very selfish manner.
Do that.
But at the same time as doing that do not neglect training and studying or even giving classes. I am also giving classes to some art students and develop a course myself. Because by doing that you also hone your own skills and develop more. Almost incidental without noticing it. Stay busy.
Restating in the final end means to commit to a body of work and to WORK at you art. WORK!